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Our creative process is somewhat unique. We look at what other firms are doing and think "how could we make this better?" Usually its by making it 100ft taller and adding lapbars and more airtime, but sometimes we truly think outside of the box. This is when masterpieces like Project Feather are born, featuring such unique elements as an inverted drop and a pretzel loop over a cliff, designed to show riders what our mental state can be likened to. 

Our other creative method is hard drugs. 

Here at High as a Kite Inc, we pride ourselves in unique and special elements. One such example is what is known as the "butt-plug top hat", gaining its name due to its likeness to object of a similar name. It provides a lateral slam before nearly removing your upper body from your lower body with the help of Orbital Airtime

Our engineers have created a range of airtime, mostly within the range of human endurance.

Nanoairtime exists between 1g and 0.5g and features on terrible NoLimits rides such as that god-awful recreation of Megaphobia. We try to avoid this unless the train is cresting the lift hill.

It starts with floater airtime, kicking around the 0g range, which provides perfect weightlessness.

Floajector airtime is the transition piece, between 0g and -0.7g.

Ejector is between -0.8g and -1.3g, providing an intense experience where you feel like you are getting forced away from the train.

Orbital airtime™ is our trademarked airtime solution, featuring airtime higher than -1.4g. If it wasn't for the specialist restraints built for us, you would literally be forced into orbit.

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